lmao that was great. for some reason it reminded me of the ep of hey arnold where instead of learning to fight he just psyches out his opponent
the kid's design was a little too 'scott pilgrim' for me but the bullies looked nice. good job man
lmao that was great. for some reason it reminded me of the ep of hey arnold where instead of learning to fight he just psyches out his opponent
the kid's design was a little too 'scott pilgrim' for me but the bullies looked nice. good job man
fan worship amplified
deviantart the movie pretty much
the syncing and unique dance moves were nice but i didnt get the whole 'i'm gonna turn all the characters into gay couples' thing. aside from the short characters and aliens, everyone pretty much had the same face and body type too
the animation wasnt as bad as i thought it would be but still lacked a lot of bounce and liveliness.
ahaha this is great
lmao the birmingham guy sounded like my flatmate from last year
i've seen like a million WIPs of this on rtils site and its nice to see it finally come together. the animations a great mix of tweens and fbf and everything's really crisp and clean. good job man
Thanks man, it would have been all FBF if I had enough time!
you deserve a zero for using Creed but i'll be nic
i liked the idea a lot more than the flash itself. i thought the pacing was pretty off (way, way, WAY too long for the story you were telling) and the writing could have used some work.
for some reason, as moronic as some of the characters were, i found them endearing, probably because of the voice acting. in fact i think your strongest aspect in this was definitely sound.
animation wise it wasnt anything special. lazy tweens, little bounce, impact, anticipation, weight, timing - at some points it came off as what chuck jones used to call 'illustrated radio'.
for all these bad things i may be listing, i was definitely entertained and i loved how the characters interacted. the little pumpkin things were cool too.
keep at it!!
fucking awesome
holy fucking shit, why didnt this get more exposure? i hate the fact that an egoraptor tribute you made in 8 hours is 10 times more popular than this
its not that often that a flash gives me shivers but wow this was fucking badass
you can tell you spent a lot of time on pretty much every shot making it as perfect as possible. the content was typical western fare, but i loved the cripple twist. keep at it
man, i really appreciate your positive feedback. I respect and like you and your work. thanks dude. :D
naked neon people sing along to matt bellamy's ooohing and aaahing.
the whole thing comes across as pretty 'teenage'. themes include jealousy and lust mostly. in a way i think it just takes itself a little too seriously - like it needs to lighten up. a lot of the more 'serious' moments were unintentionally funny
notorious's parts were probably my faves because they broke the mould somewhat - my most disliked was probably the one with the angry, jealous guy lip synced to the lyrics. unless its an actual band, i find that sort of thing pretty laughable in animated music videos, especially with such a 'serious' and 'angsty' motive.
nontheless the animation was really nice in parts, but maybe next time you should focus just a little more on the content instead of making your menu and intro as polished as an xbox 360 game.
i'd say work on your pacing and writing. the graphics were gorgeous for the most part but the eye candy was the only reason i was pulled in. The whole thing felt somewhat slow and drawn out, and there were a few syncing problems in places too. most of the lines felt very flat and uninspired, like the characters didnt care what was happening to them at all.
For some reason this strikes me as something that would work better as a comic, but keep animating cos there's a lot of potential here. loved, LOVED the designs and backgrounds btw
formerly lenkobiscuit.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 9/9/07